How to Beat the IRS - Helpful Article

by Lance Wallach
Beware of someone whose fee is based on a percentage of how much you save in taxes. Or who promises to get you a significantly higher refund than anyone else can.  People like these are likely to prepare outrageous returns that will land you deep in trouble with the IRS. 
 Just because the IRS says you owe money doesn't mean that’s correct. The agency makes mistakes - plenty of them, even computing penalties and interest. 
 Having a smart, well-prepared tax expert on your side can be a tremendous advantage.  Not only will they know the ins and outs of the tax code, but also they can take over the often-exhausting job of dealing with the IRS – and help you decide how far to push the fight. 
 If you feel you have a bulletproof case but are getting nowhere with an auditor, stay calm – and consider asking to speak to that person’s manager. If that doesn't help either, consider taking your case to an IRS appeals office.  An IRS publication says, “most differences” between taxpayers and the IRS that reach the appeals level are settled.  For details see IRS publication 556.

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