IRS tax relief firm, Lance Wallach, speaking

IRS tax relief firm, Lance Wallach, speaking

1 comment:

  1. All The Expertise You Need To Protect Your Business, Yourself, and Your Family In One
    Once You Experience The
    Lance Wallach Advantage
    You Won't Need To Look
    Anywhere Else for Help

    Our Extensive Network of
    Highly Skilled
    Professionals Have Put It
    All Together For You In
    These Websites:
    Contact Lance and his dynamic
    team by calling:


    Lance is an expert about:

    The Millennium Plan
    SADI Trust
    The Beta Plan
    PAC Life
    Compass Welfare Benefit Plan
    Sea Nine VEBA
    Professional Benefits Trust (PBT)
    Insurance Companies
    and most other similar 412i retirement plans and 419 welfare benefit plans
    Retirement Plan Lawsuits
    The Lance Wallach advantage is credibility, experience and trust!
    Why go to the students for your financial solutions when you can go directly to the one who taught them?

    Lance Wallach wrote the books on life insurance as well as financial and estate planning that the accountants
    and other consultants learned from!

    For the past 25 years, successful businesses and individuals have turned to Lance Wallach and his team of
    accountants, attorneys, ex-IRS agents, and financial experts for assistance, and they are glad they did!
    Every one of our
    attorneys, CPAs
    & ex IRS Agents
    has over 25 years
    of professional

    We believe that no
    firm has more
    professionals to
    assist our clients
    than we do!

    Books our Legal & Tax Audit
    Experts have authored:

    New & best selling American
    Institute of Certified Public
    Accountants books & courses:
    Avoiding Circular 230
    Common Abusive Small
    Business Hot Spots
    The Team Approach to Tax,
    Financial & Estate Planning
    Practical Alternatives to
    Commonly Misused and
    Abused Small Business Tax
    Strategies: Ensuring Your
    Client's Future.

    Books by Bisk CPEasy, the nation's
    largest provider of Professional
    The CPA's Guide to Life
    The CPA's Guide to Federal &
    Estate Gift Taxation

    By the National Society of
    Wealth Preservation Planning

    By John Wiley & Sons:
    Protecting Your Clients From
    Fraud, Incompetence and

    Lance Wallach
    Lance Wallach: For Expertise You Won't Find Anywhere Else
    Speaker of the Year and member of the
    AICPA faculty of teaching professionals
    Frequent speaker on retirement plans,
    financial and estate planning, and abusive
    tax shelters
    Writes about 412(i), 419, and captive
    insurance plans
    Speaks at more than ten conventions
    Writes for more than fifty publications
    Is quoted regularly in the press and has
    been featured on television and radio
    financial talk shows including NBC, National
    Pubic Radio's All Things Considered, and
    Author of Protecting Clients from Fraud,
    Incompetence and Scams published by
    John Wiley and Sons
    Author of Bisk Education's CPA's Guide to
    Life Insurance and Federal Estate and Gift
    Author of AICPA best-selling books,
    including Avoiding Circular 230 Malpractice
    Traps and Common Abusive Small
    Business Hot Spots
    Authored numerous articles in professional
    publications aimed at accountants,
    attorneys and tax advisors
