Section 79

Trust Arrangements Purporting to Provide Nondiscriminatory Post-Retirement Medical and Life Insurance Benefits Sections 419 and 419A of the Internal Revenue Code set forth rules under which employers are permitted to make currently deductible contributions to welfare benefit funds in order to provide their retirees with medical and life insurance benefits. Businesses often maintain welfare benefit funds that comport with the intent of §§ 419 and 419A and do in fact provide meaningful medical and life insurance benefits to retirees on a nondiscriminatory basis, and make substantial contributions to those welfare benefit funds that are fully deductible. Such welfare benefit funds are outside the scope of this notice. This notice addresses certain trust arrangements that are being promoted to and used by small businesses to avoid federal income and employment taxes. The arrangements described in this notice involve purported welfare benefit funds that, in form, provide post-retirement medical and life insurance benefits to employees on a nondiscriminatory basis, but that, in operation, will primarily benefit the owners or other key employees of the businesses. This notice alerts taxpayers and their representatives that the tax treatment of these arrangements may vary from the claimed tax treatment. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may issue further guidance to address these arrangements, and taxpayers should not assume that the guidance will be applied prospectively only. Concurrently with this notice, the IRS is publishing Notice 2007-83, this Bulletin, which identifies as listed transactions certain transactions involving purported welfare benefit fund arrangements using cash value life insurance policies. The fact that an arrangement is described in this notice does not preclude it from also being a listed transaction under Notice 2007-83 where the arrangement provides benefits to active employees as well as to retired employees. The IRS has previously identified certain other transactions that claim to be welfare benefit funds as listed transactions. Notice 2003-24, 2003-1 C.B. 853, describes certain transactions purporting to meet the exception under § 419A(f)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code for collectively bargained plans. Notice 95-34, 1995-1 C.B. 309, describes transactions that purport to meet the 10-or-more employer plan exception under § 419A(f)(6). Notice 2004-67, 2004-2 C.B. 600, includes transactions described in Notice 2003-24 and Notice 95-34, as well as substantially similar transactions, as listed transactions.

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